
Transport for the Decedent

Our transporters are caring, specialized, assistance team to arrive, generally within 90 minutes of being called, day or night. If they plan to arrive 90-120 minutes, they will let you know.

Schedule arrival times are also an option. Although the death has occurred you may want to schedule the transporter arrival time much later to give everyone the opportunity to say good bye at that moment. Our service includes the transportation of the decedent from the place of death into our care. If the place of death is 31 miles or more one way from our location an additional mileage fee will apply.

Long distance transportation are also an option and can be discussed with us at that time to see how to best accommodate. We will schedule the mortuary transportation from hospitals, medical examiner’s office , and other facilities with appropriate holding subject to their approval.

Additional fees may apply when the immediate transport from a family residence or nursing home is required.

*Additional fees apply for deceased persons in excess of 300 lbs.